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Coalescing plate oil water separator units are tools designed to perform oil and water separation.
Oil Water Separators

Simple and efficient units for oil and water separation and for capturing contaminants

We provide high-quality and efficient dissolved air flotation (DAF) units designed to separate liquids from solids.
Dissolved Air Flotation

Popular units used for the separation of liquids from solids – an integral part of water treatment

The Baldwin RM-10 is used for the disinfection and chemical treatment of wastewater.
Speciality Chemical Treatment of Wastewater with RM-10/OSU

Chemical treatment of wastewater is essential for removing contaminants, ensuring compliance, and enabling water recycling.

Clarifiers are settling tanks designed to remove solids from a wastewater stream, functioning effectively without the need for chemical treatment.

Stainless steel clarifiers used for settling solids out of a wastewater stream

Baldwin carries an exclusive selection of Abanaki oil skimmers, perfect for oil-water separation.
Belt & Tube Oil Skimmers

Cost-effective skimmers that skim over the surface of water to remove oil and debris

Baldwin’s Skim-Pak Floating Oil Skimmer and Decanter products are engineered to surpass the basic functions of standard oil skimmers, all while maintaining a focus on efficiency.
Floating Oil Skimmers & Decanters

Innovative products that feature a 360º skimming action to separate oil and water

Baldwin's Industrial water treatment services like Water Filtration & Polishing Media help to ensure a more sustainable future.
Filtration & Polishing Media

Complete filtration and polishing units, with wastewater filters, stand-alone, and skid-mounted components.

pH adjustment and control are essential not only for effective treatment but also for ensuring that water quality complies with relevant regulatory standards.
pH & Dosing Systems

Widely used systems that alter the pH and add chemicals to pre-conditioned water for subsequent treatment

To deliver the best specialised solutions for our clients, Baldwin designs and fabricates custom projects tailored to meet their diverse wastewater treatment system needs.
Custom Fabrication

We can customise an appropriate wastewater treatment based on your needs

We offer a wide range of industrial water treatment services, including pumping units and accessories, ensuring that we provide the right solutions for your operation.

High quality pump units and accessories to suit your motor style

At the forefront of wastewater treatment and custom fabrication, Baldwin’s innovative and efficient range - trusted by Australian companies - includes versatile control panelswhich offer various specifications and complexity.
Control Panels

Control process systems and wastewater treatment products in one place

We provide fully pre-assembled, skid-mounted modular systems that simplify the process of choosing the right variant for your operation.
Process & Pressure Systems

Convenient and highly effective pre-assembled process and pressure systems

Here at Baldwin, we are experts when it comes to industrial and chemical treatment of wastewater. We design, manufacture, supply and install industrial wastewater treatment products and wastewater recycling systems for various industries. If you would like more information about our products, please give us a call on (02) 4954 0440.